Monday, December 8, 2008

60th Birthday Party

Thanks for coming everyone. It's hard to believe little Danny Williams is so old.

The link below is to a few photos from the party.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunol to Lake Del Valle and back

Three photos from a very long day which included 10,000' of elevation gain.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

More Emigrant photos from Dave Messman

There are additional photos of our 12 hour run courtesy of Dave Messman in the photos list.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Emigrant Wilderness run 7-6-08

View photos of our Emigrant Wilderness run in the photos section. The high point was about 9300' with fabulous views of the Sierra high country. What doesn't show in the photos are the mosquitoes but we were prepared with lots of repellant. It ended up being a 12 hour run but well worth it.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

TD WS100 consolation run on Mt Tam 6-28-08

Check out the photos of our WS100 consolation run in the photos list. Thank you Tamara for carrying your camera on the run.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Squaw to Robinson run 6-14-08

There are photos of this year's version of the Squaw Valley to Robinson Flat run in the Photos section.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Team Diablo shirts are here

The 2008 "Team Diablo slam" shirts are ready for you to wear with pride. (Well, there's the Grand Slam and the Western Slam and the California Slam and the Eastern Slam and...)

Please get in touch with me and we can work out an arrangement for distribution. I'll carry them around with me in my car or leave them on my porch or whatever works for you. I could meet you in the evening somewhere since I won't be running for awhile (recovering from SD100).

Mac had a guy in San Diego ask him where he could buy one, in other words, they look very cool.

For those of you who supplied your own shirts the screening fee is only $5 each. Again, thanks to miserly Mac for his cost cutting sales techniques.

For those of you who we bought shirts for the price is $20 each.

I'll get a photo posted as soon as possible

Friday, June 6, 2008

San Diego 100 Mile Endurance Run


Saturday, May 24, 2008

WS Trail run Friday May 23rd, 2008

Thanks to Mac.
A new link in the photos section.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

2008 Team Diablo logo

Shirts should be ready by mid June but that's out of my hands now.
It will not have the "Western States 100" under the logo though.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A few Miwok photos

Thanks to Jeff V for a few photos at the Bolinas Ridge aid station. Look in the Photos list.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


GOOD LUCK to all of you running Miwok this Saturday. There are quite a few of you. The weather looks good. Have a great run out there.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Team Diablo T shirts 2008

It's time to create new Team Diablo shirts. There will be two phases. (1) If you'd like to have your own shirt(s) screened, please get them to me by May 19th so I can deliver them to the screener. (2) If you're OK with the shirts we choose please get the sizes to me by May 12th.

This year the Team Diablo logo on the front will be royal blue and there will not be the name of a race under it, such as Western States or Angeles Crest.

The back of the shirt will be similar to last year with Team Diablo on the top with the races listed underneath but without dates as they were in the past.

The list of races will be:
Angeles Crest 100 Miler
Western States Endurance Run
San Diego 100 Miler

When you place your order please remember all your pacers and crew. Tell me if you want mens, womens, short sleeve or sleeveless.

WS trail run 4/26/08

Five photos of a training run on the WS Trail.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

AR50 photos

There are a few photos of AR. Does anyone else have any?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mt Tam run photos

I added a link to Tamara's photos of the Mt Tam run last Saturday.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tim Putney Mt Tam Birthday run Feb 16th

Our annual Mt Tam 30 miler is on tap for Feb 16th. Even though Tim is no longer 30 we're still planning to ONLY run 30 miles. We meet at Ross Common at 7 AM and this run takes about 6 hours. There's water on the course but it's still a 2 bottle run. The longest time without water is about 1 1/2 hours.

We'll also plan to meet and arrange car pools at Acalanes High at 6 AM.

I'll also send out an email to everyone about the run so those very few people who don't log on to this famous site every day can learn about our annual tradition.

Diablo Snow Pics

I added a link to Troy's pics from our snow run last week. And in case anyone is wondering, it was actually warmer without a shirt at the summit (considering that our shirts were soaked)! Putting on a couple of soaking wet shirts at 29 degrees is no simple feat either.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Slow Learner - Miwok

Aced out again. Active's Miwok site wouldn't let me register before my morning run, so I figured I enter once I got home. Ran into Wally on the trail at 8:30 and he said it had already closed. Confirmed this once I got home. Should have recognized this would be the case after missing Cool. I seem hung up on trail running as I knew it - not what it has become. Best wishes to those that got in.