Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tim Putney Mt Tam Birthday run Feb 16th

Our annual Mt Tam 30 miler is on tap for Feb 16th. Even though Tim is no longer 30 we're still planning to ONLY run 30 miles. We meet at Ross Common at 7 AM and this run takes about 6 hours. There's water on the course but it's still a 2 bottle run. The longest time without water is about 1 1/2 hours.

We'll also plan to meet and arrange car pools at Acalanes High at 6 AM.

I'll also send out an email to everyone about the run so those very few people who don't log on to this famous site every day can learn about our annual tradition.

Diablo Snow Pics

I added a link to Troy's pics from our snow run last week. And in case anyone is wondering, it was actually warmer without a shirt at the summit (considering that our shirts were soaked)! Putting on a couple of soaking wet shirts at 29 degrees is no simple feat either.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Slow Learner - Miwok

Aced out again. Active's Miwok site wouldn't let me register before my morning run, so I figured I enter once I got home. Ran into Wally on the trail at 8:30 and he said it had already closed. Confirmed this once I got home. Should have recognized this would be the case after missing Cool. I seem hung up on trail running as I knew it - not what it has become. Best wishes to those that got in.